What is the happy synonyms

Being happy is the meaning of life for us humans ! This is what many masters believe. Everyone wants to be happy . But what is happiness? Is it the same for everyone? How do we know if we're happy? And no one can be happy all the time? How can we find happiness ?

Everyone wants to be happy, but what happiness really ? How do we know if we're happy? Can we be happy all the time ? How can we find happiness ? When we talk about happiness in life, these are the questions we ask.

Our perception of life of happiness is as unique as the way we perceive hot or cold. For us, it's kind of the same thing, however, is also different. Each individual is different and therefore each description of people of what makes a happy life will also be different .

Dictionary.com says that happiness is :

1 . It is characterized by good luck, luck

Two . Enjoying , showing , or marked by pleasure , satisfaction or joy

Webster's dictionary says that happiness is a state of being and satisfaction

Therefore, if we use these definitions, we can say that we are happy, we would be lucky, showing the pleasure and feeling content . It makes sense. Most people who know they are supposed to be happy, shows these features , so we'll use it as our base and from there .

I have happiness ? Life if I think I'm lucky? Hmmm, that's an interesting question, is not it ? Most people are happy when they feel lucky and blessed by luck, and most people who feel unhappy or feel that they have a lot of bad luck are not happy . BUT , perception is everything . A person can break a leg in a skiing accident ( bad luck ) and still be happy and smiling because they feel blessed and happy ( probably because he did not break his legs ! ) . They could be happy because they know his leg heals, and because they like fun skiing (until they ran into the tree at 100 miles / hour )! You get the picture ?

Or a person may have what most of us still call it good luck and happiness seem to have no life. There is an art of happiness, and some of us and some of us do not , but we can all learn.

Happiness is life the same for everyone ? Probably not, even if the normal signs of happiness above in dictionary definitions will probably appear to anyone who is happy. Different things make different people happy , so happiness and the pursuit of happiness can not be the same. For example: I am a quiet type of person who likes to work at home and socialize only once or twice a week. You can be a very outgoing person who works in an office full of people and have lunch with a different person every day and going to a party on Saturday night. We are both happy , but our lifestyles are very different. Besides, what they see as something that produces happiness can not be a priority for me . Maybe it makes you happy go for wonderful ski holiday twice a year . Could I go on vacation happy and wonderful in my backyard squirrel my money. Both are correct, and they are both happy.

How to know if you are happy ? The best way to know if you are happy, it is to ask you how you feel . I really feel . Do you feel comfortable , relaxed and well the way things are going in a fairly consistent manner ? Then you're probably happy. Feel your body . Is relaxed, you feel calm ? You're probably happy. Remember that happiness does not come from anywhere but inside . If you are in harmony with what is right for you, you will be happy . If you try to live someone else's definition of true happiness , it probably will not .

Anyone can have true happiness all the time? Yes ! Well, okay , if a terrible tragedy strikes , you can not be happy at this moment. However, you can work through the tragedy and the emotions that accompany happiness knowing that life can and come back when you 've taken the time to allow proper healing . Otherwise , yes. A person can not be happy all the time. He can not jump up and down and laughing happy every time, but the happy and peaceful content , no doubt , and it is equally valuable. Small irritants of life come and go every day. We can choose to welcome them with a quiet smile or a gesture of anger . Either is fine , but the calm smile help you navigate life in a happier state of being , and help you find happiness on a consistent basis . Remember, the art of happiness has a lot to do with perception.

The latest research on happiness shows that many of us have long suspected . Happiness and the pursuit of happiness has more to do with the perception of an individual and what happens in that person, money , fame or power. Although things can bring a sense of happiness that is like , attached to these things. True happiness is much more attached to the way a person perceives life . Fortunately, if you 're the kind of person who has a " glass half empty " view of life , you can learn to be a " glass half full " attitude will win happiness.

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