Various Forms Of Employee Motivation Rewards

By Elena McDowell

Every worker in each organization should be appreciated and also encouraged to continue with the work. There are very many things that workers contribute to in an organization. Workers are the backbone of any institution. Therefore they should not be mistreated but they should be recognizes and respected. There is a tendency by many managers to mistreat their staff. Everybody has their right and therefore it is possible for them to sue anyone who disrespects those rights. Introduction of employee motivation rewards is essential.

Many workers have formed unions which are mean to look into their affairs and also help them fight for their rights. The unions will not have to intervene in an area where the management is working hand in hand with the junior and the senior staff. There are several ways that that the management can ensure this. The first thing that will encourage workers to continue working in a certain organization is environment.

Many people quit their jobs due to poor working conditions. A friendly working environment is can be achieved by the co-operation by both the managers and the staff. A friendly environment is where there are no quarrels and every staff is concentrating on the work assigned to them.

Food can be used as an incentive. Daily schedules can be boring and tedious at times. Food can work very well in ensuring the staff completes their duties and in the correct manner. Offering food to these people will also show that the management is concerned about their welfare as workers.

People who are working lose a lot of energy. To compensate for the lost energy, the principals should offer food as an incentive. Food will give the people the morale to work hard. This will improve the company's yields at the end of the financial year. Offering of food to workers also shows that the top rank is concerned about the affairs of the juniors. Encouragement is not only in the form of money but on the simple things that are done and show care and concern. Snacks and lunch for workers cannot make an organization to go bankrupt.

Some institutions provide a dress code fro their staff members. However, not all staff likes wearing the work uniforms. Therefore, to cater for such employees, management can introduce a policy where few days are set aside for employees to wear their clothes rather than being in work uniform. This encourages them and motivates them because they are able to exercise their freedom.

There is also the aspect of recognizing the workers individually. The management can also recognize a group of employees and congratulate them verbally for something good they have done. It is also possible to prepare gifts for the best person in the institution as per how they carry out their activities. The gifts encourage the rest of the group to work hard to achieve the title as well.

Creating a relationship with the staff is also a thing that improves the working spirit of the staff. A manager should be able to know his workers personally by name. They should also mingle and interact but that should not be very personal. All these are the forms of employee motivation rewards.

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