The newest happiness definition


Happiness. It is a word we hear all the time. This is something that we are working , we are working to achieve. However, every day, it seems closer to him. Happiness eludes us .

Yes, we had times when we were happy. It was perhaps a wedding. Or the birth of a child. Or was it the other night when we were hanging out with friends or spending time with family. In these moments , we are happy, really, deeply happy. Almost transcendent .

And then disappears . Darkness is produced . Happiness is gone. In its place is often empty .

We ask, " What's the point " If we have an inalienable right to pursue happiness , then what's the point if we think we can never arrive, or get ? What we want more than anything to be happy, it seems that there is something we can not have .

Maybe if we had more money! That's really all we need ! Or is that the new HD 3D LED TV brand spanking. A new car ? Yes, that's it!

No, not the money or the things we want , but we want a relationship. A man or woman who will complete us - make us happy ! If we are in a relationship - if only we were not in the relationship !

But then we have these things and after a brief honeymoon, we're back to square one .

Empty . Sad. So we tried to think of other things . And the cycle continues .

It seems that we can not be happy. So what do we do ?

Use distraction. We watch TV ( obsessive ) to distract us from our lives , so we must think about how we are or how the world is bad. We drink. We smoked . We eat. We check our phones every thirty seconds .

We subconscious shortcuts to happiness. However, there never seems to be happy in any case , the shortcuts seem to be part of the problem. Then we have become dependent on distractions and we are even more unhappy. Turn on the news 11:00 - You know what I mean. The world sucks , so how can we be happy anyway?


After spending the last few paragraphs down completely , it is time to move away from the ledge. Because we can be happy. But to be happy is to unlearn all that we have thought or still live in happiness.

First of all - what happiness is .

Happiness is not a destination.

If our goal is to achieve happiness then we will never be happy.

Yes, read it again.

Happiness is not the goal. The pursuit of happiness is an illusion. If we pursue the happiness that we can never reach .

So far , we thought happiness as a destination . There is not .

"Wait , what are you talking about ? "

We are told everyone - parents, teachers, politicians, television personalities , the purpose of our life is happiness . It's in the Declaration of Independence ! Thomas Jefferson may be the problem ?

Yes , it 's everywhere . We are told again and again that we should pursue happiness . We were told that the purpose of life is to be happy .

However, how many of us are happy? Not much. Because we can not pursue happiness . Let me rephrase , we can find happiness if you want, but we'll never get there. Our efforts will be in vain . We know this because we have lived. We live it .

It is time for us to develop a new concept of happiness. It is time to redefine our definition of happiness , because now it does not work. No - it's worse than that. Our current definition of happiness as a destination goal / is simply untrue .

So what is happiness?

Happiness is a result.

Happiness is what happens when we are in how we instinctively know we should be . Happiness is what happens when we grow, we expand in our development .

Happiness is not something we can do or achieve . This is a result. Is a byproduct . As we grow , we extend the result is happiness.

Never get happiness if our goal is happiness.

Our goal should be one of expansion, growth and development . As we work to achieve this goal , we will be happy .

Happiness is not about smiling . This is not the expression of joy on his face. We can work hard hard we worked before . The expressions on the face could be a pain, contempt. But inside , we sing because we work on ourselves and the development and growth. The result is happiness.

Therefore, the key, the key for you to think at this point is - you're on the right track? Are you learning ? Are you growing ? You develop ? Because when you can honestly answer "yes" to these questions, then you are on your way , and the result is happiness.

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