the lovely happiness definition

According to my dictionary happiness is " the feeling of being happy ", though useful, then what "happy" mean? Happy, the source said , means "feeling , showing or giving pleasure or satisfaction. " Ok , let's see what Wikipedia says about happiness , according to this site , happiness is "a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment , love , satisfaction , pleasure or joy. "

I think the key word here is " state of mind" . People often try to find happiness in possessions , places and other people just to be unhappy because true happiness can be found in themselves . People, places and things that you attract into your life that makes you happy only serve to increase the love you have and for himself .

The law of attraction says that we attract what we focus on most , and what we already are. So if you want to attract more happiness, you need to feel happy , but how can you do if your happiness depends on external conditions ? We can choose to take our lives in hand. If we do that and how to find the happiness that is already within ourselves , then extends this feeling through the law of attraction .

Of course , it is easy to be happy when everything goes well, the real challenge and victory is when we are able to stay connected to our inner being , even in times of adversity . We know that everything is on track to be wonderful, because it is from this knowledge that all ends well .

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