Studying Tips: Why Sleep Can Make Or Break You

By Lachlan Haynes

What do you know about sleep? It's that fancy thing you do when there's nothing else going on? It's what happens when all the lights go out? But what do you really know about it? The amount of sleep you get each night has a significant impact on you and how your engine runs during the day. Lack of sleep means lack of - well everything.

If you get very little sleep (let's say 5-6 hours a night or less) then you are going to feel sluggish, lazy, moody, impatient, intolerant, and generally very unproductive. In fact, you could say that not getting enough sleep actually changes you. It makes you a lesser version of yourself.

Conversely, what does the day look like when you get a good 7-8 hours of sleep? It's the total opposite isn't it? You will have time for everybody, you'll feel upbeat, excited, productive and in control. You'll feel alive. You'll give yourself the chance to be at your best. All because of sleep! Amazing really.

So what should you do if you're not getting the amount of sleep you want to get? What do you do if you're like everyone else and you're getting less than 7 hours' sleep a night? Well, you do something about it! Let's take a look at some actions you can take to make a difference straight away.

Tip number one. We all know about the lure of staying up late - but it's a trap. We're sitting up watching a movie or surfing the net and we know that if we don't go to bed tomorrow won't come yet and we won't have to go to work or school! It's our free time and we want to make the most of it. The problem of course is that by staying up late we are killing our energy levels for the next day. The time you get up can't be moved back (otherwise you'd be late) so change the time you get to bed. You'll be glad you did if you stick to it.

Tip number two. Turn off things that stimulate your brain before sleep. Whether you're on Facebook, playing Angry Birds or watching TV just before bed - your brain will always take longer to switch off and relax. Instead, take out the notes you want to revise or read a book you enjoy, or just sit and think.

Tip number three. If your little voice is keeping you awake - start dictating! If your mind keeps talking and worrying and planning and running through things over and over then start writing it all down. Grab your cell phone and take notes. Once all the notes are down your mind will slow down and relax. Give it a go. You have nothing to lose.

Tip number four. Grab a little snooze when you can. No point fighting the inevitable! If you feel exhausted but need to feel alert then grab 10 to 15 minutes sleep somehow. Go sit on the toilet and have a snooze or find a quiet place and close your eyes. Even 5 minutes could be really helpful in increasing your energy levels.

Tip number five. Choose two days during the week when you get to bed early (preferably Wednesday and Sunday). By having two designated days when you know you are going to get plenty of sleep you will be able to plan for your "big sleep nights" and work everything else you do around that. Wednesday and Sunday seem the best days to do this because one is the middle of the week and the other is the night before the week starts!

Whatever you do, just make sure you're finding a way to get the sleep you need. You don't want to be a grumpy weirdo do you? You want to be lively, productive and energized! So do whatever works for you, but focus on the magical mark of 7-8 hours of sleep a day and you'll be giving yourself every chance of being at your best each and every day.

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